Thursday, January 13, 2011

Young Alumni: Down Under

David Byrne (’04) made his first trip to Mount Allison when he was 11 to watch Mounties Football — making two to three trips to watch his favourite team each Fall after that with his father. In 2000 he chose to attend Mount Allison and graduated with an Honours Commerce degree in economics. After completing his Master’s and PhD in economics at Queen’s, he headed to Australia in September with his wife Marisia to start his “first real job” as an assistant professor at the University of Melbourne.

After defending his PhD thesis in December on the causes and consequences of mergers in the Canadian cable television industry, he is now officially Dr. Byrne. A self-proclaimed data nerd, research may just be his favourite part of the job. He spends his days collecting and analyzing data, trying to uncover interesting patterns or see whether predictions from economic theory are exhibited in the data.

Read full story: David Byrne embarks on new adventure down under

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