Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mounties headed to Bermuda

The year was 1945...the place was Mount Allison University...in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada...and the event — the birth of the Mount Allison Soccer Mounties.

Well known Bermuda resident Dr. Clarence Terceira (’49), AKA, “Tessi” was a freshman study­ing pre-dentistry at Mount Allison in the mid-40s. In his first year (1945), Tessi convinced the university athletic director at the time, Major McCormack, to start an intramural soccer league with four squads and 44 interested players.

From these humble beginnings, Tessi appealed to the Mount Alli­son Men’s Athletic Union for varsity status on campus, and then appli­cation was made to join the Mari­time Universities Athletic Union.

The 2008-09 version of the men’s Soccer Mounties are heading to Bermuda to meet these “charter mem­bers” of the University’s historical program, and to hone their soccer skills against current Bermudian players, over the University break from February 21-28, 2009.

Find out more!

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