Seen here is the Mount A alumni team for the 5th annual Molson Old Stars tournament that takes place on the last weekend of September every year in Halifax.
All 10 present and former AUAA (AUS) hockey schools had teams this year. While Mount A has participated every year, this was the first year that every player on the team was a Mount A alum.
Here is a list of the team members:
Front row (L-R): Andy Clark '96, Darren Rimmer '95, Paul Bourque '79, Mike Roberts '88, Dave Curnew '02, Andy Meth '96
Back row (L-R): Perennial Team MVP Brad MacCharles '99, Brian Harriman '99, Mike Mullaly '95, Craig Pitcher '96, Brad Rusaw '94, Duane Irvine, Joey Zappia (Joey from Joey's, so that pretty much means honorary degree), Andrew MacGillivray '95, Mark Farwell '87
Missing from photo: Jeff Thompson '99
Anyone looking to play in the tournament next year is encouraged to contact Andy Clark at ac@cicnova.ns.ca or Jeff Thompson at jeff.thompson@astratech.com.
Thanks! Andy Clark